Improving the canvas for participatory mapping in Tanzania

Sunday 11:45am, Building D/Room 1


Egle Marija Ramanauskaite, Janet Chapman 75min


At Crowd2Map Tanzania we are working on engaging as much local participation in mapping. Much of the map remains blank and getting local knowledge is essential, especially so in rural Tanzania. We have explored different apps to facilitate mapping. The challenge being low literacy and limited technological capabilities of participants. We have settled on using app, however the blank base map makes it very difficult for locals to map their communities accurately.

During the workshop we will engage in hands-on mapping to bring points (which have been collected so far) to OSM standards. We will also work on the ways to make ground mapping more effective, e.g. by creating better base maps. By tapping the rich experience of the OSM community, we envision the main outcome of the workshop to be a solid long-term plan to facilitate effective ground mapping in the local communities that could be scalable to any developing country.