Map it forward: Incorporating OSM into the universities curriculum

Saturday 2:30pm, Auditorium C


Vasanthi Hargyono 30min

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (Indonesia)

What started as a spontaneous day of OSM training for a very eager lecturer & his 15 students has now grown in to fully developed training method. Last year this method was used in 13 universities to certify more than 50 students as champions/trainers in their provinces. 5 universities have incorporated OSM into their curriculum.

Vasanthi will discuss that initial project in Makassar, the biggest city in East Indonesia. Learn how it led to a massive explosion in map contributors (900k buildings are now mapped), and how it developed into an educational program. Having access to free map data has already paid dividends – the city government used the data to create an accurate flood contingency planning.